wear out the saints kjv

In the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, the phrase “wear out the saints” appears in the book of Daniel, specifically in Daniel 7:25. This phrase has intrigued many Bible scholars and readers, leading to questions about its meaning and significance in both historical and prophetic contexts. In this article, we will explore the meaning of “wear out the saints,” its biblical context, and its implications for believers today.

The Phrase in Daniel 7:25

Daniel 7:25 (KJV) states:

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”

This passage is part of Daniel’s vision of four beasts, which symbolize four kingdoms that will rise up on the earth. The “he” in this verse refers to the Antichrist or a future ruler who will oppose God’s people and seek to undermine His authority.

Understanding the Phrase “Wear Out the Saints”

The phrase “wear out the saints” refers to the persecution and suffering that God’s faithful people will endure during the reign of this oppressive ruler. The term “wear out” implies a prolonged, exhausting effort to weaken or exhaust the saints, leading to both physical and spiritual strain. It suggests that the Antichrist will seek to wear down believers by relentless persecution, temptations, and pressures designed to break their faith.

In the biblical context, “saints” refers to the people of God, those who remain faithful to Him even in the face of intense opposition. In this prophecy, the saints will face a time of tribulation, which will test their endurance and commitment to God. The idea of being “worn out” conveys the idea of constant, unyielding pressure that seeks to discourage, tire, and ultimately defeat believers.

A Time of Tribulation

The passage from Daniel also mentions that the saints will be given into the hand of this oppressive ruler “until a time and times and the dividing of time.” This cryptic expression is commonly interpreted to refer to a period of great tribulation, often associated with the end times or the reign of the Antichrist. This period is believed to last for three and a half years, representing a time of severe trial and suffering for the saints.

In this context, the phrase “wear out the saints” highlights the intensity of the persecution that will occur during this period. The pressure to conform, the constant threats, and the relentless opposition to their faith will be exhausting for those who remain faithful. However, the passage also reassures believers that their endurance will ultimately lead to victory, as God’s Kingdom will triumph over the forces of evil.

Prophetic Significance and Relevance Today

While the prophecy in Daniel was written for a specific time in history, many Bible scholars believe it also has a future fulfillment during the end times. The idea of “wearing out the saints” can be seen as a metaphor for the trials and tribulations that Christians will face as they remain true to their faith in an increasingly hostile world. It serves as a warning that persecution and challenges will come, but it also serves as an encouragement to remain faithful, knowing that God will ultimately be victorious.

Endurance Through Persecution

For Christians today, the phrase “wear out the saints” serves as a reminder that suffering and persecution are part of the Christian journey. While the intensity of persecution may vary depending on the time and place, believers around the world still face challenges for their faith. In some regions, Christians endure imprisonment, violence, and even death for their beliefs. In other places, believers may experience more subtle forms of pressure, such as social exclusion, discrimination, or ridicule.

The message of Daniel 7:25 encourages believers to remain steadfast in their faith, despite the challenges they may face. Just as the saints in Daniel’s prophecy were given strength to endure, so too can modern Christians find the strength to persevere through trials. The ultimate victory belongs to God, and He will reward those who remain faithful to Him.

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